Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Caught Up!

8/25 *27 weeks
We went to see Dr. Weiss and Dr. Heintges today. Dr. Weiss had mostly good news, just one thing to watch for. He said Molly’s stomach is about a week and a half behind on the growth curve. This is not something he is super worried about, but he will see us back in 3 weeks to measure her again. If she is any further behind it will mean bed rest for mommy! Hopefully this will resolve by then with less working out and more protein! Next, I went to Dr. Heintges and I FAILED my one hour GTT…BOO! She also told me my stomach is measuring about a week behind (not really a big deal), but on the plus side, JJ’s blood type is negative so NO RHOGAM! We are continuing to trust God with our little chica :) and hoping she keeps growing just like she’s supposed to!

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is too cute! Can't wait to meet Miss Molly and see you too! Miss you! :)
