Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Still Growing!

9/15 *30 weeks
We went to see Dr. Weiss and Dr. Heintges today and we got ALL good news!  Molly's stomach is still a little small, but she stayed on her growth curve and grew just like she was supposed to over the last 3 weeks.  So that means no bed rest for mommy...yay!  I also passed my 3 hour GTT which is awesome so I can continue my ice cream, fruit loop binge eating!  Molly is moving around like crazy and I absolutely LOVE it!  I think she is still kickboxing even though I can't anymore.  We got some 4D pics of her precious little face, but with her hand RIGHT in front of her face I'm not going to post them because, I'll be honest, they're kinda creepy looking, haha!   I am still loving being pregnant, but also getting excited about the next few months.  We are headed to Longview this weekend to visit the fam, and have our first baby shower!  I am super excited!  Thanks for keeping up with us and I'll post again soon :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Caught Up!

8/25 *27 weeks
We went to see Dr. Weiss and Dr. Heintges today. Dr. Weiss had mostly good news, just one thing to watch for. He said Molly’s stomach is about a week and a half behind on the growth curve. This is not something he is super worried about, but he will see us back in 3 weeks to measure her again. If she is any further behind it will mean bed rest for mommy! Hopefully this will resolve by then with less working out and more protein! Next, I went to Dr. Heintges and I FAILED my one hour GTT…BOO! She also told me my stomach is measuring about a week behind (not really a big deal), but on the plus side, JJ’s blood type is negative so NO RHOGAM! We are continuing to trust God with our little chica :) and hoping she keeps growing just like she’s supposed to!

My Parents RoCk!

8/21 *26 weeks
Today we hung out with mom and dad at the Gaylord to celebrate their anniversary. We had such a good time at the pool, driving the corvette around, and just enjoying each other’s company. At dinner, mom and dad gave me a beautiful silver heart necklace with a diamond that dangled in the center. The heart had been mine in HS and the center diamond was one that dad gave mom on their anniversary when she was pregnant with me! It’s beautiful and such a cool heirloom! I will hopefully be able to pass it down to Molly someday.

Getting Ready for Molly Sue

8/5 *24 weeks
I have hit my next “big step” in the pregnancy! I know this is weird for everyone else, but as a labor and delivery nurse this means a viable baby! I have waited until now to start shopping for Molly, but now I am free to buy! I am so blessed that I have felt great and I’m really enjoying being pregnant!

8/10 *24 weeks
Mom and I went shopping today and I bought Molly some of her first new outfits! (This does not include all the wonderful things we were given from Kris and Cardyn and of course all of MawMaw’s shopping!) It is so fun shopping for a little girl. I am in heaven <3

8/14 *25 weeks
JJ and I painted the nursery today! It was really fun and such a sense of satisfaction when it was finished! We were going to pay someone to do it for us, but after some contemplation we decided we could do it ourselves! It looks really good and now I’m ready for furniture and other fun stuff!

What a RELIEF!

5/26 *13 weeks
YAY, Praise Jesus! We heard from Dr. Weiss today and everything came back normal! What an unbelievable relief for JJ and I and everyone else that has been praying! After some arguing, JJ and I also decided to go ahead and find out the sex. We are having a baby girl! I am so incredibly excited I don’t know what to do! We called all of our family and let them know and everyone is so happy! God has taught me so much in the last week and a half. I have learned to depend on others’ praying for me and will NEVER again flippantly say “I will pray for you.” I have also learned that God’s word does satisfy and give peace in times of need. I have prayed more in the last week than ever before, and I will continue to strive to make this a daily part of my life. WOOHOO!

Continue Waiting (and Praying)!

5/19 *12 weeks
Today is JJ and mine’s 3 year anniversary and the day we should’ve found out the CVS results. We are in San Francisco with Justin and Kris and received a text from Dr. Weiss that said the results wouldn’t be back until sometime next week. God is definitely teaching both of us lots of lessons including patience and trusting. I pray that the results come back normal, but I know God has not made a mistake with our precious baby.

Some Bad News

5/17 *12 weeks
Dr. Weiss called today with some bad news. My sequential screen came back high, with our chances of the baby having down syndrome 1/19. Not the news we want to hear, but we will continue to trust God with these results. I went into Dr. Weiss office for a CVS and my mom came into town to go with JJ and me. JJ did not do well with the test (I’m sure we’ll look back at this fact and laugh) but in all, the test was uneventful. We will keep praying and trusting in God’s plan.

First Doctor's Appointments

8 Week Sono
4/16 *8 weeks
Today I went to see Dr. Heintges for the first time! We saw Buttercup’s heartbeat and she (we’ll call her a she for now, but who knows) looks like a perfect little lizard, haha! Now we have been able to tell the rest of our family and our friends! Everyone is excited, especially all of our grandparents!

5/5 *11 weeks
12 Week Sono
Today we heard the baby’s heartbeat with the Doppler at Dr. Heintges' office. To be honest, I had already cheated and listened at work once. It was cool for JJ to get to hear her though. Her heartbeat sounds perfect :)

5/12 *12 weeks
I had my first appointment with Dr. Weiss today for my sequential screen. The baby looks like, well, a BABY! She was moving all around in their, punching and kicking. I’m pretty sure she was trying to do kickboxing, haha! Dr. Weiss wouldn’t give us any boy or girl clues though. He said my nuchal translucency was “prominent” but not abnormal. He took some blood work and told me he’d call me with results early next week. I pray everything comes back nice and normal.

Telling our fams :)

4/2-4 *6 weeks
I told my parents, Dylan, Taylor, and my sister that JJ and I are expecting a baby! We also told JJ’s parents and siblings on Sunday! Everyone was surprised (except mom, she said she kinda figured) and really excited! Taylor named the baby Buttercup which will be his/her official name until we pick a real one. We still have a few weeks until we tell everyone, but it’s nice to have told the most important people!


3/23 *5 weeks
The alarm goes off at 5:52 to wake JJ up for a day at work. It is my day off, but I jump out of bed anyway. Today is the day we find out the biggest and best news of our lives. I run to the bathroom and get out my foolproof pregnancy test. Hands shaking, I wait on the results…”PREGNANT!” I walk into the bedroom and say “JJ, I’m pregnant” to which he responds, “What time is it?” Haha, just the kind of response I expected from my loving husband. As we lay in bed, excitement, nerves, and feelings of joy run through our veins! We thank God for this exciting news and then the day has to continue as usual. Mom, dad, Dylan and Taylor will be here in a couple of weeks, so we will wait to tell our families until we can tell them in person. This will be super hard considering I talk to my momma EVERY day! But it will be worth the wait to get to see her face when we tell them! I will continue to pray for you everyday little baby! SUPER EXCITED!