Monday, April 18, 2011

Month Numero Dos

Molly Sue at 4 weeks!

At the Gaylord

New Year's Eve

Some of my favorite pj's!
Molly's second month of life was less eventful than the firs...thank goodness! At this point she is still nursing well and taking her supplement, and getting bigger every day! On December 14 Molly weighed 6 lbs 6.5 oz and was 18 3/4 inches long! Once again Dr. Naylor was very happy with this weight gain! December 17 JJ, Molly and I left for Longview to spend a whole week for Christmas! It was great to get to spend Molly's first Christmas with my family, especially since I have worked the last 3 Christmas! We had such a great week spending time with Dylan, Taylor, Jen, and all the rest of our family. Mimi and Grandma and PaPa all had a great time getting to love on their newest great grand baby! December 19 we had Molly's sip and see at LaCee's house and it was wonderful!  So many people came to celebrate Molly and ooh and aah over her!  We did Christmas present opening on Christmas eve with everyone and it was so much fun! I love getting to spend time with all the kids and family, and of course, eating too much food! Christmas morning was wonderful. JJ, Molly, Mawmaw, PaPaw and I got up, drank our coffee, and opened presents in a very slow, organized way, haha! JJ and I have decided that going to Longview is like staying at an all inclusive resort, but BETTER! It was so nice to have sooo much help from everyone! We were NOT ready to come home, but we loaded up the Hyundai to the brim on Sunday and headed to Dallas to do Christmas with the Novaks. It was such a great day opening gifts, eating, and then we headed for dinner and a scavenger hunt at the Gaylord. Jim always tries to come up with new, fun ways to give us our gifts and this was no different! Finally our family of 3 headed home. We were exhausted but so full of love and contentment after spending time with our families. Molly went back to the doctor on December 28 and weighed
7-11...yay! For New Year's eve JJ, Molly, and I hung out with our awesome home group friends! In full mommy and daddy fashion, we were home by 10:00 and brought in the new year, just the 3 of us! January 3 was a hard day for everyone. JJ went back to work and we were sooo sad :( It was so nice having him home for such a long time to help with Molly and keep me laughing when times were tough. We did make it through though and actually enjoyed our "alone" time together. On January 9 Molly got to experience her first snow. It was great to just sit with her in the warm house and see the beautiful gift God had given us in the white powdery "mess"! Molly's second month ended with celebrating her daddy's birthday at where else but CHILI'S! I can't believe our blessing is 2 months old already! She is still enjoying sleeping on mommy at night, eating every 3 hours like clock work, and taking in this amazing world! We love her more and more every day <3

Monday, April 4, 2011

Negative Results

Once again, God has proven faithful!  Dr. Schuerle called today and said so far, all tests have come back negative!  She checked up on Molly and said since she is eating good and not having any problems, she just wants to see us back when Molly is 3 months.  My good friend Mari helped me see a lesson God was (and continues) trying to teach me.  I thought that as soon as Molly was out that I would have more "control" over her.  I am reminded again that she does not belong to me.  Her little life has been entrusted to me, but ultimately she belongs to her creator.  I'm sure this will be a life long learning experience for this type A momma!  A lot has happened in the last month with Ms. Molly.  On 11/17 Amanda from Creative Photography by Amanda came and took Molly's newborn pics!  This was a BLAST and maybe the best part was when Molly peed all over her daddy :)  It was great!  Molly also had a weigh in on the 17th and she was 5 pounds!  This was great considering she had lost down to 4 pounds 10 ounces.  November 18 (which was Molly's scheduled induction) we went back to Med City to pick up my turkey and say HI to everyone.  Molly met Cardyn and Park on November 23rd and I know they will all be life long friends :)  November 25th was Molly's first Thanksgiving and we spent it with JJ's family.  The highlight was getting to hang out with Braden, Molly's cousin that is only a week older than her!  On the Friday after Thanksgiving we went on our first of many roadtrips to Longview!  Aunt JenJen, Dylan, and Taylor all got to meet Molly for the first time and everyone loved her!  Taylor was very curious about everything from nursing to changing her diaper.  I instructed her to ask her mom those questions, haha!  At Molly's two week appointment she weighed 5 pounds 11 ounces and was 18.5 inches long.  Still in the 3% but definitely growing great!  December 5th was Molly's first Sunday at church and she did great (even with the loud music)!  What a blessing this little chica has been in only one month!
What a little angel

I love this sweet face