Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Molly's first Dr. appointment

This is totally out of order, but I'm doing the best I can...

Molly had to go in for her first doctor's appointment on Monday morning, 11/15. We got to meet her pediatrician, Dr. Naylor, for the first time and we all loved her! She was great with Molly and was so reassuring when it came to all of Molly's testing. Molly had dropped to 4 lbs 11 oz so Dr. Naylor wanted us to start supplementing with some formula. Although this was not really in my plans, it was ok to try to get some weight on my little chica. Dr. Naylor stressed the importance of feeding Molly every 3 hours which meant little sleep for me considering it takes her an hour to eat. For instance, Molly would eat from 10-11, finally fall asleep around 11:30, and then have to wake her up again at 1. Thank goodness for JJ during this time because without him I think I would've probably given up on breastfeeding and gone slightly crazy. He would crack a joke just when I would think I was about to lose it and make me smile! All of this hard work all paid off because I love this little miracle so much!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Trying to catch up!

Our first family photo!
So saying I'm a little behind on the blogging might be an understatement. Life has been super busy and beautifully wonderful. I will slowly try to catch up on the last four months and stay more up to date!
Seeing my beautiful girl for the first time!
This day started out very uneventful. I had finally made it to 37 weeks and 6 days with no pregnancy complications! I had started planning my last week before my 39 week induction. I had a hair appointment, nail appointment, and a spray tan scheduled :). Neely and I went to whole foods for a delicious lunch before my appointment with Dr. Weiss, where I told her jokingly I would call her if I ended up at the hospital. I arrived at my 1:30 doctor's appointment with no bags packed and JJ at my side. While scanning me Dr. Weiss broke into song..."Happy Birthday to you!" and I promptly broke into tears. I had oligo (low amniotic fluid) and needed to go to L&D to be induced. Off we went! Ginnie and Breanna both took great care of me and I had a great labor and delivery. Molly arrived at 1:25 pm on 11/12/10 after only 40 min of pushing and our life was forever changed! Our 5lb 1oz bundle of joy had arrived and she was perfect! Friday evening was not as joyful as we had hoped. The pedi that was just to check Molly out at the hospital came in with some concerning news. Due to some physical features and a heart murmur, Dr. Nale was concerned that Molly might have a syndrome. This was devastating news to us, but as soon as they brought Molly back to me I was flooded with love for my sweet girl. Nothing else mattered except my love for this perfect baby God had given JJ and me! Molly did great the first night with the help of Terri, our amazing nursery nurse, and I got some much needed rest with the help of Julie, my PP nurse. Saturday was a much better day for all of us! Dr. Karam was Molly's pedi for Sat. and Sun. and we just seemed to mesh better with him. He came in Saturday morning and was so encouraging. He informed us there was no heart murmur and that even though there were a couple of concerning features, Molly looked perfect. Duh :) Later in the afternoon Dr. Schuerle (the geneticist) came to see Molly and agreed with both doctors and decided to run some tests. The rest of the day was filled with lots of visitors that of course fell in love with our Molly.  Our last night in the hospital we spent as a family, just me, J, and Molly.  Then came Sunday...a day of mixed emotions to say the least.  We were so excited to be taking Molly home but also scared and nervous.  They were letting us take home this tiny person with no owner's manual or anything!  My mom was planning to stay with us for a little while (thank goodness) while we tried to figure this baby thing out.  Life is good and the blog will continue...
Molly's Hospital Pic