Friday, November 5, 2010

Molly's Room!

Molly's cute rug from MawMaw!

JJ and I painted the room and textured the wall by ourselves!  And made the MOLLY letters!  We are sooo creative, ha!

Another view!  The MOLLY pillow will be going with me to the hospital...I know, I'm a dork!

This is a view of the awesome painting I bought from a lady in Canton!  It says "I praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made..."  I <3 that verse!  Molly already has two American Girl dolls!  Kirsten was mine and JJ's mom (still trying to figure out her grandma name) bought Molly!

37 Weeks!

I'm not very good at this blogging thing, but here's an update...finally.  I am 37.1 weeks today, which means full term baby!  Yay!  It's kind of surreal that we have made it to this point, but we are super excited to know that Molly can come at any time and she is good to go!  God has really blessed us with a great pregnancy!  That seems so odd to say with the ups and downs we've had, but God has continued to prove faithful (NOT a surprise) and has answered our prayers without fail!

The question I get the most now is, "Are you ready?"  And the only answer I know to give is, "As ready as we're ever going to be!"  We have had some amazing showers and gotten SO MANY great things!  I think we are as prepared as any first time parents!  Molly's room is ready, our bags are packed, and now it's just a waiting game!  We have been seeing Dr. Weiss every week now to make sure Molly is still growing like she is supposed to.  She is only around 5 lbs, but hopefully she'll put on a little weight between now and her arrival!  I will be getting induced at 39 weeks, which is November 18!  I am already dilating some (maybe TMI, but I am an L&D nurse so sorry) and Molly will be ready to make her debut by then!  Thanks to everyone for all the thoughts and prayers during the last few months!  JJ and I can't wait for Ms. Molly to arrive...we'll keep ya updated!